Tuesday, July 4

SAY SAY SAY!!!!!!! IVAN SAYS! SAYS WHAT!? SAYS ITS TIME! FOR A NEW ENTRY!!! FUUUUUU!!!!!! For all those hard core fans of this blog out there i give you a great WELCOME PAT ON YA Back! FUUUU!!! ( what you want me to do lah... )

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D.O.C.U.M.E.N.T.A.R.Y T.I.M.E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

haha, hmmm just to let you guys out there know, I am not doing so well for my studies. My marks? er... no need to guess, still can. Why? Maybe i spend too much time writing for YOU! haha, no lah. Dunno why, i do not really have the motivation to study. Hmmm, But HERE'S something to motivate you! If you dun study, your parents will say " Someone is gonna get hurt a real BAD! ". Do it for your parents man, if you dun want to do it for yourselves.

Haha, I feel like as if i got laughing disease like that... heh heh, maybe its your presence? Talking about disease, Dengue is going down. Cancer going up. people going to die of heart attack when france is going to win, etc etc. Hmmm, guys pls lah. Excercise when got chance, then,

Guys : Macho up and look more shuai. Not neccessarily more handsome but better looking and if you accidentally offend girls, ( Pheebs i add your name here! haha! Dun say i never blog about you!) like eg. a girl i know, pheeebs, You can run fast fast so they wont han tam you! haha

Gals: You will look slimmer, become lighter, tone those loose muscles ( esp. the arm, even for you slim girls out there), and a good possibility you will look more prettier.

But then again, master personal physical trainer Ivan cannot do one thing, and thats FASHION... haha, I not so much into looks. more rather health. So ya, Gals, you make super chio but if you take like 30 min for 2.4 km JOG, hmmm, better consider jogging the weekends away.

OK! ( Quickly puts on pastor clothing, throw away his casual clothing and bling bling ) TIME FOR MY SHARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, I had a long talk with a good brother of mine, Tan Zerong. He insisted that every christian can speak tongues. His backing? 4 incidents in the bible where upon baptism of the Holy Spirit, The people recorded in them can speak in tongues. My friend claim that the gift of tongues in a basic gift that all possess, its whether on we truely desires the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Well, I had a hour and a half long talk with Auntie Seok Hoon. Here are some things that were discussed.

1) Case of the short skirt girls

( not naming names here ) There was one time in church, a brother of mine, a group leader, realised how distracting were the legs of two sister. They wore those denim skirts that ways above knee level. He then asked me whether he should approach them about their dressing. I said its only so that you should. Tell them nicely.

My Friend's claim: What you did was wrong. Do not tell the girl "wear something decent", instead ask " Do you need something to cover your legs." My point is that you do oppose the person's freewill to do wat she wants. For we are not that person's conscience. If a brother sins because he sees the girl and lust. Help him, not blame the girl.

Well, ( me here k.) here are some of my views:

1) As long as you are being respectful of those around you, wear what you want to. It probably isn't a great idea to go to Church dressed like Britney Spears, if only for the simple fact that it might be a little bit distracting for others and might make them feel uncomfortable.

2) It doesn't matter if you can afford the best or newest clothes, I figure that if you go to Church, God is obiviously important to you, so just try to look nice (like having a shower, clean clothes) - like you would if you were going to a special occasion.

3) Women shouldn't have to be told to wear long skirts and cover their hair, etc....... A pair of pants or a sweatshirt surely would be more approiate than a mini skirt and a boob-tube.

4) How a person dresses doesn't necessarily reflect what they are like on the inside.

5) If people at your Church dress in a way that you deem "unacceptable" , have a chat to them first, don't lecture them. There might be a reason for woman wearing dirty trackpants (one of the kids was sick in the car). Or the man wearing a tatty shirt.

The above is taken from a website, so ya its copyrighted ok. only right to copy mah... haha.

2) Speaking in tongues.

as you read above, my friend strongly claimed the importance of speaking in tongues.
But here are Some questions:

-On wat basis is the tongue evaluated for the people. Refer to 1 corinthians 14: 26- 40.
-Whats the purpose of speaking in tongues?
- I do not deny the gift of tongues, but is it right to say that those baptised with the Holy Spirit MUST speak in tongues?Those who dun, they do not have the spirit?
- Refer to ephesians 1: 13-14, says that those who believed are sealed with the Holy Spirit. which is a deposit which the father put on us to gurantee our salvation.
- Going to extreme on a teaching will make you a extremist, ensuring devastating results in the end.
- Since the Pentacostal Charismatics are so fervent about laying on hands and heal the sick, My friend insisted that the person who will have laying of hands on will be healed. What about those whose God will for them is not to be healed? Sometimes, not all the time, they lay false, empty hope on the already sick.
- Not everybody speaks in tongues, 1 Corinthians 12, paul says that certain people inherit different gifts. 1 Corinthians 14, paul does not deny speaking in tongues, but he rather everybody prophesise instead. And explained what good is the prayer if noone understands, no one gets edified.

However my friends, I did not say that there is no gifts of the spirit. God created us to serve him, not by doing miraculous things all the time, rather Christ and paul insisted that he rather you Love one another, for it is the greatest of gifts.

My friends, love one another, edify each other, do not harm your friends in anyway possible. The beginning of the birth pains are sufficing. So i say, Be Wary! Do not let Christ catch you red handed in your sinful nature. For the Day will come, where you will decide who is greater, God or the angel who rules this world, Satan.

It may sound scary, ya, i do not deny. But because of these, i keep myself walking in his will so that i may hasten his coming. Thats why we need to reach out to the people whom we care the most, for God has placed this burden in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Do be sensetive to the Spirit, He calls and beckons in the most unexpected timing. You may not be up to your calling, but that does not mean God will allow you more time to get ready.

Pick up yourselves if you fallen, Comfort those you know who are down. Show them the love that Christ showed you. The Agape love whom all could not show. Do not be restricted by how you act, For God's Love knows no bounds. God's Love for his creations is so great he came to give us the only way to meet him, Jesus Christ, His Son.

Take time to think and reflect how God impacted your lives, have you forgotten your first love? Have you forgotten the Almighty Father who created you? I say wake up from your foolishness of asking who is more right! No one is more right than the word of God, No one understands the scripture better than anybody! Do you think you can understand God's ways? I myself am killing myself just trying to know his way of running things, yet i grow strong knowing the soveriegnity of God whom i chose to follow.

God is patient, but he is just. He awaits the day you are willing to recognise him. That is his great delight, for he truely longs that all creation come to him. However due to the sinful nature of man, not all can see who God is. Some he chose to save, Some he sent others to save, And some he chose not to save. So do not worry, and do not waste time to judge who is more likely to go to hell.

I said much for today. However, i only pray that you learn to love each other, not yourselves. Love is the greatest thing Jesus came to teach us, He went all the way to the cross to show us how much he loves us. If you do not believe, believe. If you do not faith, pray that God will show you how much he is taking care of you. There is noone greater than any other of those you know. We are of the same blood.

So here i end my entry. I would say this the greatest message i would preach up to date. Look forward to my message on the 16 of july. It will be on God's love.

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