Friday, June 30

Wahahaha, back for more eh guys! Just to let you know, i am re-typing this entry cos... er, my internet connection suddenly got cut off when i was going to publish... ARGH!!!!! but hey, thanks to you folks, i am only motivated to eat more OF MY PRECIOUS STRENGTH AR!!! you better appreciate the fact that i am still typing right now! wah, since when i so angst? haha, nothing to do with you all lah, so relac k? So BACK TO BUSINESS!!!!!!!!

Heh, so ya about the documentary of the mysterious gift... hmmm, wonder why i called myself the mysterious gift of God? Here's my name explained.

Ivan( or pronounced Eye-vern ( if you english that CMI! )) : it means God's gift.

Woah, my mum told me she chose my name.Cool right, but here's the shocker, she did not know that my name means "GOD's Gift"... here's another shocker, my chinese name ( ARGH! GO AHEAD AND LAUGH YOU E>V>I>L pple, haha) Its Miao Song. K guys its not meow song so get it right k? or someone is going to get hurt a real bad! haha. It means, you guessed it, mysterious gift. Haiz, case you dunno, names are really symbolic and mean alot, sometimes it carves the destiny of a person. My life was rather normal, but somehow i know God got a bigger picture... hmmm, 5 years from now you all check what i doing, guess you all will know my destiny by then.

Oh yeah, NORMAN! CONGRATS MAN!haha, you know why you won? haha, guess lah... I SAID GUESS LAH! HAHA. cos i gave you the perfect vote. why perfect? Cos i voted 7 times! haha, thats $4.20 for you man! All the way, and build on ya stage presence, and soon i know i will have a brother in christ out there in the entertainment industry. God open doors in the most unexpected places so ya, it is God's will you made it so far too! but if its God's will that you do not win, believe me, no matter how hard you try, you cannot bend his will. He can open doors, it means that he closes them as well. When? Its when he says "No". The Holy Spirit giving you that gut feeling that you have, telling you no... It means maybe its not his plan for you. It may be painful, but have Faith man, his ways are beyond our ways. SO NORMAN! DUN GIVE UP ANY PART OF THE JOURNEY! ALL THE WAY! So ya guys, pray that he grows from this journey cos this might be his stepping stone into his future career.

Okay... ( drum rolls ) tutututututututututu! CHIANG! Ladies and gentlemen, May i present to you the man you all been waiting for, the man with a the great insights, the man who fear no evil, except for his grandma of course ( crowd laughs ). HERESSSSSSSSSSSSSS IIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!! ( crowd roars )...

Lime light settles in, a gentle sturdy youth, hair of a brown flare, suit of a thousand dreams, He stood among the crowd on a teak, but rotting table.

"MY Friends, brothers and sisters, I greet thee!, I come with greetings in our Lord, our father!"

the crowd shabbily replied, " Good evening!". The atmosphere was set, everything seems to be in place. Some were uncomfortable and starting shifting a little in their seats, but yet they still were held in intense anticipation.

Wiping a drop of perpiration, I began to speak...

3)A renewed comprehension

Once again, let me TELL you the reference text. Mark 4: 35-41

REFRESHMENTS! (always good fer ya ) : In the first entry we spoke of God allowing suffering to be on this earth, he wants us to earn our keep. He acknowledges that suffering is part of our every day life, and we are quick to shoot God by saying" Dun you care?"

2nd lesson we talked about Jesus sleeping while the storm was tossing and flipping the boat about. So do you still think Jesus does not know whats going on in your storms?

Today we will be looking through what's God's perspective of the matter, according to the parable of mark chapter 4: 35-41. From where we left off, Jesus was found sleeping in the stern of the boat. And the disciples woke him up saying"Teacher, dun you care if we drown?"

Here's another significance of this passage. Notice that the disciples of Jesus called him teacher. It is right by calling him that, however, they still did not recognise that he is the Son of God.

verse 39: "He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the winds died down and was completely calm." Remember the sea was life threatening? With one word ( or three words rather ), God calmed the storm. WOW! God works the same way in our life as well, with one word, he can take a storm out of our lives. However, he wants us to ask. The thing is that the disciples were not wrong in telling the Lord, " dun you care? ". However, Jesus do care.

Lets look at verse 40: "He said to his disciples, " Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" So Jesus scolded his disciples, not because they asked with wrong intentions, but because they do not believe that Jesus would do something about it.They had no faith. Jesus was on board! What was there to be afraid? We can have this security, knowing that when we allow Jesus into our lives, Jesus will see us through the storms.

Ah hah, but alas the most important verse is the last verse, although its contradictory, verse 41:" They were terrified and asked each other," Who is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!" See verse 40 when Jesus said:" Do you STILL have no faith?", understand this, Jesus reveals himself enough to his disciples through his messages and miracles. However, his disciples still were not convinced. Don't you think that its human, to just want to prove everything, esp. things that seem too good to be true? Jesus is, and he came to prove, and to give salvation.

God knows your problems in life. He wants to hear it like how a loving father would hear you speak. He wants to let you know that he cares, and that he is there for you. But why does he takes a whole storm then reveal himself? Its to show to you his character, and his faithfulness to us. I can imagine that if Someone else was in Jesus' place? He might hav jumped overboard and started swimming... and God is going through the storm with you, remember he was in the boat, not floating by or appearing only when he is needed.

Take time to give thanks for the little things he have done for you, and the trials that made you who you are today. I hope that this week's lesson assures you that God is faithful. Are you?

Signing out, Ivan.


Monday, June 26

YOOOOOOOO!!!! haha, yup its TIME! ITS TIME! >>>> ITS time! <<< for another entry >.<

K, b4 i continue the message, Gonna fulfil the great mission of this blog... Ahem. ( cough ) # tch tch # (interference noise) "Here are the updates"...

News Broadcast: Case of mismatch of hair and eyebrows sighted today.

Update- Notice of Mr I.V.A.N ( name kept secret for confidentiality purposes ) new look have made mini controversies in class of DARE 2A/01 and 02. I.V.A.N was rather delighted with the reaction. However, it was short lived as many pointed out the 'mismatch' of his hair and eyebrows.

Here are some comments of the people interviewed near the scene.Mr J.A.C.K said, with a little green in his eyes, " WHY you dye your hair for what... wah liao then the eye brow diff colour..."

Mr C.L.E.M.E.N.T said, " Wah seh, see eh distracting ar, then your eyebrow see eh out of place, all brown then two black patch there..."

So there you have it, case of mismatch? Here What I.V.A.N have to say for himself.

Reporter KPO: " So ####, what have you got to say about the mismatch? "
I.V.A.N ( after pushing through crowds of irritating reporters and photographers):
"I am rather fine with the looks, thank you. What the others think about the eyebrows are in fact, true. Rest assure that I will preserve my looks, any other questions? Yah , you there- " ( lost in the crowd )

So I conclude this report, that mister I.V.A.N is rather happy with his new looks. So back to you Ivan.

HAHAHA THX man, KPO ( Kapo people's oreo ) , for updating the public. NOW BACK TO BUSINESS! TO BUSINESS! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) A Sleepy God

Recap( Where we left off ):We live in a world that lies condemn, and suffering was made available to all mankind after the original sin, Adam's downfall. We as man, find it so easy to blame God whenever anything bad happens, however does it mean that God is really sleeping?

Lets refer to our given text again, Mark 4: 35 - 41.

Note verse 37: " A furious squall ( sudden gust of wind ) came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped." OK, so the storm look life- threatening, the gospel of luke and john confirms that its " sudden " and the apostles were in " great danger ". Note that the apostles are fisherman, they have seen storms before. However this time they knew they had no control over the situation. THEY KNEW THEY ARE GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! OH NO!!!! and guess what Jesus, the Son of God, was doing.

Ya, they found him sleeping. Can you imaagine!? God sleeping when I am going to die! verse 38 " Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" Hey man, If I were them, i might blow my top... Ahem, BACK TO BUSINESS!

Note where jesus was when he was sleeping. He was in the stern of the small fishing boat they took. Note that the stern is the back of the ship, where the turbulent and shaking is at its MADDEST if there is a storm. hmmm, Think about it, do you really think that he did not know that the storm was there? If i were Superman, the man of steel ( but steel rusts when contact with water leh... haha ) I will surely know that the will be a storm when i hear the waves BREAKING over the boat, lightning and thunder, strong winds, great shaking, you get the picture lah.So...

CRITICAL STRIKE! ( WOOO! ) : God knows your storms in life! Amen to that man! ( Give me five!) yeah!

Hmmm, so Jesus seems to be purposely sleeping... Hmmm, why? Got meaning behind IT K!
but then looks like you got to hang on till 2 days later to get the conclusion. Cos, I and Don will be bunking over at changi airport to see Kenny off. WOO HOO! mus be DARN fun man, hmmm, but i scared cold leh... ( shy shy ) NO LAH! ME SUPERMAN! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha, Do pray for Kenny as he proceeds to his next Location. That God's grace indeed follow this meek and yet powerful brother of mine! I shared alot with this close brother of mine and do wish to aid him in fulfilling his dreams. So ya, YOU ALL GOT TIME TO PRAY! PRAY FOR KENNY OK!!!!! ( wait till I find out who read this but never pray one ar... argh! WOOF WOOF argh.... haha, jus jking la )

Pray for me and the struggling students of Singapore Polytechnic, that we pull up our socks for our course of study b4 its too late.... noooooooooo...

OK, for that i shall have to sign off now... ( dun sad lah, i am coming back soon right. I SAID DUN CRY LAH! haiyo, si cry baby, haha ). IVAN OUT! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 25

SAY! SAY! SAY! ALRIGHT!!!!1 Time for my next entry...

hmmm, wonder why i am writing? wonder why I am writing? No seriously, you know why I am writing? cause................. ........... ( say dot for every dot to get the real scenario of how i am say ing this ) ..... ..... .... .... .... Cos, I jus want TO! hahaha, wth, getting lame there...

haha, to business! BUSINESS I SAY! ( SAY! SAY! ). Rather not call you aunty, dunno why?... Seok Hoon (chuan dao) gave a enriching sermon of the " PEACE IN THE STORM "
or " PEACE in Da Storm! ". Quick review for those sleeping in the sermon today (dun need to shy, i slept b4. haha! but nowadays i start the day with my good friend, KOPI, thats why i can tahan these few sundays) ( OH YEAH, BACK TO BUSINESS!!!! )

Key Verse: Mark 4: 35 - 41

Point 1) A Cursed World .

Here's a new note to those who think life is one HUGE party. ITS NOT! :) (nothing happy anyway to know that...) Remember when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Genesis 3: 17 says " Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat out of it all the days of your life "

Woah, guys, You know what does that means? God cursed the earth the few days after he created it... Why? Cos man chose to disobey. CRITICAL STRIKE! TO DISOBEY GOD IS THE SAME AS SIN! (will see that everytime i preach... :) )

When was the last time you complain that God is not fair, God does not care how i feel? God heck care how bad my situation is, God is dead! When was the last time you felt that way? Well, its very common in this carnal world that we live in. Always BLAME-STORMING, not brain storming. So easy to blame God... But hey, God does not curse us OK? He cursed the ground... So natural disasters? Ya he allowed them to happen. Why? For his glory? What Glory is there in killing his own? Rather we as his children, must see it as the father bringing us home.

The Father will come like a thief, when you least expect it, so prepare my brethens, just in case.

Pray a simple prayer tonight, that God will let His will be carried out, For its perfect and beautiful. And seriously give thought about what do you think that made man suffer up till this day?

K lah, enough for one day. But seriously, there is still 2 more parts.

2) A sleepy God
3) A Renewed Comprehension


haha, but blog not finished yet, (too free liao). I put God the centre of my life, so ya you see me talking about him all the time ( Dun sian lah ). But this IS a document of me. So about me. BACK TO BUSINESS! BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!

Today, Yang Hui talked to me... Such a long time... haha must be my new look? haha, about the hair guys, ya, jus like i said, its experimental. And i am noob when it comes to styling my hair so if you got any suggestion, let me know.

Today the Com meeting was smooth, ( as usual? ) NO! I prepared the agenda... heh heh heh Not so noob eh! Now i go meeting not so BLUR liao. haha. so guys, do read the minutes leh, or not why do you think we send it to you for what? heh, To much free time ar?

To those still reading, I commend you! usually i read so long i sian liao, BUT YOU NOT! So keep up the good work and continue reading! KUDOs bro KUDOs.

Hmmm, last minute study for test is terrible man... makes me jus wanna make the study more last minute :) wonder why i always so slack... Today went to yuen yi's house for house visit, WAH LIAO! p4 girl got a checklist of subjects to study for the day. Power sia. Good Good! maybe i should have a check list too. it might look like this...

- Put dirty clothe into laundry basket
- Read my school materials ( too high level to say "study" )
- Bring out the Trash
- Dota or some other lame game...
- God's word, Quiet time.
- Dota ( wait did i mention that already? crap lah waste strength)

ya something like that... Hmmm, but from the looks of it... Most likely the only thing might be

- remember to make checklist about checklists

BWA HA HA HA HA.... thats more like it. As if i can keep a checklist, i dun even have a schedule. *Haiz, kambate Ivan... You still have a good memory!!!!!!*

SO ya i better end this now, you guys probably SNORING now, wait till i find out who are you ar, then " Someone gonna get hurt a real BAD " BWA HAHA.

Ivan out! FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 24

FUUUU!!!!! hahaha, Another entry for the busybodies to read so ya here goes!!!!!!

Todays group outing was great, cant wait fer Don to compile the videos, " YING JIA!!!!!!!!!!!!" WOOHOO!, goood good, cant wait fer the next outing, then we go all out at ESCAPE THEME PARK! so ya Yuki, prepare yourself!

God granted us wonderful weather, there was sun and yet breeze? I cannot describe a more complete outing! THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER! You indeed know what is best for me! Don shared about fellowship, based on 1 john 1. It really strikes me that we should not clique in any way possible for it brings others down...

woah, seriousness sets back in again...

My bass blasting away songs of Thrice, My heart yearning to see Jesus... What am I, this no QUIET TIME MAN!

Oh yeah, Guys... those who single and seriously SUPER DESPERATE for LOVE in your lives? dun jio girls just for the sake of wanting a GF ( Cos here's the PUNCH line, IT DOES NOT FILL THAT HOLE IN YOUR HEART GUYS...) it might for a while, but if thats your priority then... haiz, tag cos i will pray for you k? and if you tag everyone reading will pray for you too so ya... dun feel so down man!

Oh about the new Hair? jus wanted to try it out, 2 more years to BOT@K! so whether you like it or not, dun judge me base on the look. Its still a sacred temple of God.
HAHA ya, hard for you guys to believe is it?

Inside Info, i plan to join a youth movement by some of the Campus Crusade members in the future, well new if you never see me online b4... :)

Pray for Norman as he got a second chance to Idol in Wildcard, that he sees over the wrongs or flaws in his actions and deeds.

Pray for my friend, in the midst of a girl crisis, that i can talk to him that GURLS AINT EVERYTHING MAN!!!!!!!!!!

God, hear the cries of those who claim the promises that you made. So that when those doors of opportunity open, those who listen can glorify your name. Esp. so in these days where everything is so uncertain. That you have tomorrow in your hands and future moulding out your will. Amen! Your will be done

Friday, June 23

Why i started a blog? Good question, even i a skeptic of posting your personal views online, am dumbfounded in answering.However, I do feel that i have many views that i would like to claim, since everybodies doing it so... WHY NOT?

First of all, This will document my journey all the way till i become a pastor, if its God's will, or i just become so lazy that i forgotten that this blog ever existed.

Second. I am a young man, striving in purity to be a suitable tool for the Lord. I also have feelings and struggle with temptations everyday ( I mean you dun meh? stop lying to yourself!). The Lord be my shepherd, I shall not want. I live in contentment for the things i have, but i do have dreams. I became chairman out of my own free will, and became who i am today because of it. I pray that Yuki, whom i pray would succeed me, will grow in knowledge and propel forward his kingdom.

Also those who read this, pray for those mentioned, for let us not fail to lift each other up to the Lord in prayer!

Pray for Yang Hui, whom i deeply care for and still do, even though in circumstances that do not allow intimacy, that she would walk upright and firm in his word.

For the youth, those who never came back for a long time, for i dearly miss those brothers and sisters who lost contact with us.

For Chun Pang, whom i really want to get closer with, but his disabilities strain the relationship. Pray that i can overcome the barrier and talk to him normally.

For Don, that he would continue to strive with me on the path of discipleship, as we take on our crosses to walk the path of the Lord. I clearly have this close a relationship with him, that should either one of us die, we will continue even bearing the other's cross. Pray that the Graceful Father open doors of opportunity for us to enroll into Trinity Theological College, as we plan to advance his kingdom in these end times.

My friends, do not mock the end of days, for it draws nearer. The prophecy of the Lord will be fulfilled and he will return. At this, i caution myself to pray for my family salvation. Keep them in prayer.

I end this entry, leaving it in the Lord's grace that every word that leaves my mouth, and even typed will glorify his name. Amen