Monday, October 8

hi guys, sorry for not updating so much. gotta rush this entry a bit.... just when i am prepared to write an entry, my mum for got something and i have to go somewhere inconvenient... oh well a son gotta do what a son gotta do :)

Anyway, This past week, it felt like God was emphasizing a message to me, and its like he is telling me to have faith. Started when my mum went to a healing service, and came back talking about how she can walk all better and that by faith her knee cap and ligament will grow. Sure i was pretty skeptical, but seeing her walking without the cane, and so full of faith, its as if her knee has already recovered.

Next was Saturday evening, when Josiah, Stanford, Don, Mavis and I had a conversation at the new LJS across the MRT station. I could see that we have mega plans and everything cos of Jo new found passion. I was pretty excited. I know that God is preparing us for another revival. But then yesterday in church after service when having small talk with Wen Xin, Matthew came in and said lots of stuff that encouraged wen xin's idea of the YF is dying. I must have faith, and persevere from all the negativeness that the youths themselves are having and help provide some kind of Hope. and i really believe that since this is God's ministry, This hope can only come from God himself. I will pray extra hard for the YF, and hopefully the rest will join me soon.

And there was the coincidental bumping into Uncle Kit on the way to the station, We had a conversation and he asked me What i think God is doing to the church. I was only excited to tell him what i think God is preparing the YF for something. Then somehow my made my self centred statement by telling me that there is something else in the church that will lead people to God. I said wen Xin? he said no, think again. The lift? Correct he said. I was thinking, "the LIFT?" then he began to tell me how he saw God working and brought about the lift and it almost began about a year ago. One fine day he was talking to the elderlies in church and they said " You know, we can walk very long distance and not feel tired. But when it is very very tiring to climb stairs." Then he saw how the Chinese ministry side elderlies struggling up the stairs. So he felt a deep conviction and decided to approach uncle David Soh, Property chairman at the time. Uncle David was captured by the conviction and began praying alot... cos its just too expensive for the church to settle. But one day as he almost gave up, he shared to one of his old friends and Voila, that friend donated a whole 10k . Uncle david was so excited that he straight away settled the finance for the lift. And then Uncle Kit turned to me, Ivan, the lift is going to serve not only the church elders but the elders of the neighborhood as well. wow.

finally was my conversation with someone last night. She told me that she only wanted to be friends and that we need more time. Yup we need more time, and I need more faith.

Pastor message is also about faith, That its not faith that we lack, but faithfulness.

Guys whoever is reading, I pray that we can have more faithfulness when it comes to the business of the Lord. Amen.

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